Guardian Angels
International Event
Narconon Hawaii attended the International Guardians Angles convention where the Executive Director spoke along with Lt Governor James "Duke" Aiona. The organization, which held the International Conference at the Waikiki Gateway Hotel, has chapters in more than 30 cities worldwide. It insists on a "no weapons, no bias, no drugs" policy, he said.
From the Left: Ricardo "Chico" Garcia,
Lieutenant Governor
James R. "Duke" Aiona, Jr.
"Rocker" Don Fridinger,
and Guardian Angel founder Curtis "Rock" Silva.
Volunteers don easily recognizable red berets, white T-shirts emblazoned with "Guardian Angels Patrol" or red jackets so citizens can turn to them for help. Their presence in such distinctive attire can also help deter crime.
Former angel Ricardo Garcia, who has lived in Hawaii for 20 years, decided to start the Hawaii chapter.
Garcia, 38, who joined the group in 1982 in Chicago, will again wear the red beret. "I have three daughters, and for them and the kids of Hawaii, I want to make sure they can walk the streets with no fear," said the former Marine.
Here you can see Guardian Angels receiving copies of
the "Keeping Your Kids Drug Free" kit
Channel 8 news recorded the event and interviewed Narconon Hawaii Executive Director Bobby Newman. Charl Viljoen, of Cape Town South Africa was ecstatic over the information contained in the Parent Kit, particularly "The Way to Happiness" Mr. Viljoen was put in touch with an ABLE representative who explained how to get this valuable booklet printed with his logo.
Executive Director Narconon Hawaii - Bobby Newman
speaks to the Guardian Angels
Links: More about the event | More about the Guardian Angels